Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 18: What am I gaining from staying fat?

I am usually successful in accomplishing whatever I set my mind to, and I give it 100% and never rest until I make it happen, but when it comes to actually losing weight and committing to a healthy lifestyle, I fail miserably! I know that the weight involves a lot of emotional issues, and it is more than just eating the wrong stuff…
There must be something I gain from staying fat? I sure hate being fat so what is it? Can’t I see what horrible things I’m doing to my body by eating all of this junk! I am steeling years of my life by choice why? What am I gaining from this?
1-      I have always loved food, staying fat will allow me to eat whatever I want whenever I want.  
2-      For some reason people are more relaxed and comfortable around me. People are not threatened.
3-      I used to get depression episodes, but lately I can not even remember the last time I got one! I am using food to make me feel better.
4-      All of my social activities revolve around food, major changes are needed to my lifestyle, am i resisting change because I like my comfort zone, it is safe.
5-      Avoiding working on my emotional issues and taking serious steps in alleviating the stress in my life.
It is obvious that I am focusing on what I will lose if I changed my lifestyle, I think It is all about bad habits, my concentration should be towards building new good habits that replace the current ones.

One good thing about my fat ass I get to sit in the front seat of any car :P


  1. that's very insightful...u definitely know it is a lifestyle change and you should aim to change a little thing about ur lifestyle week by week and eventually u will get there. The first step is realising what needs to be changed and u have got that.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. loosing weight,diet,slim body this is what most people concentrate on and talked about, so embarking on a healty lifestyle and some kind of exercise will benefit u more on the long run, ur photoes loaded a smile on my face.

  4. Isn't it illegal for 4 people to be in the back seat? ;) you look very pleased with yourself, hehe..

    Any good Arab's life revolves around food. Doesn't mean u have to stop eating and going out. Just need to work out how much to eat and know when to stop. Remember. Moderation. Portion size is key. Don't cut OUT food. Cut DOWN food.

  5. Yes I also use food to make myself feel good too. I did last night actually, I have a cold, a headache and other things so i bought a roll to eat between meals. i didnt even enjoy it, i just did it to feel better somehow.

    DO you guys have yoga in Jordan? A very good way to deal with stress and emotional stuff and it also counts as exersise ;)


  6. Caroline, Ya it was insightful, I knew what to do, Eat Less, Exercise More…simple right! Then why aren’t I doing that!

    Evonne, I am glad the pic made you smile…luv u

    Dana, I am a lot of healthy stuff lately, but still has issues with portion control, that what I will be concentrating on in October

    Ranya, we do have Yoga, but I think I will spend the time laughing and falling on my butt, no seriously, at the moment I cannot allocate time to do external activities, I bought a DVD, I enjoy dancing and I bought a treadmill. My girls latest hobby is throwing stuff at my feet when I walk on the treadmill to see if I will fall!!

  7. lol i have the funniest image of ur girls throwing stuff at ur feet and laughing when u trip a little...haha
